A guide to NSW school students for Term
Last updated February 2021
We're working closely with the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), NSW Health and other agencies to ensure our schools continue to operate in the safest ways possible during the COVID environment.
Schools are operating full time while actively following health advice.
Schools continue to be safe, and operations are in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health advice. All students should be learning on campus unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence.
The activities that are permitted at school will be conducted in a way that is safe and appropriate in the current environment. Those that remain on hold will be reviewed during the term and will recommence when appropriate based on health and other relevant advice.
Please read the updated guidelines for familes from the NSW Department of Education.
The department of education has announced that there is an ease in some current restrictions, with updated school guidelines being distributed to schools. However, as our schools and communities continue to work collaboratively to ensure that COVID-Safe processes and procedures continue to keep community transmission low, parents and carers are not allowed on school sites or at offsite school events held during school hours, with a few exceptions:
- Essential parent meetings with school staff;
- Parents and carers picking up their child from the school office, if unwell
It is important that parents note that many COVID-safe practices still remain in place. Students who display flu-like symptoms at school will be sent to sickbay and parents will be called to pick up their child and arrange for COVID testing to be carried out before the child returns to school. Students who do not undertake a COVID-19 test result will not be permitted to return to school for a 10 day period. Additionally, they must be symptom-free for at least 3 days prior to returning to school.
Students who have seasonal allergies or other conditions that presents similarly to flu-like symptoms are still required to get tested for COVID-19 and return a negative test result. Where their symptoms continue beyond 10 days, students should provide documentation from their GP confirming their symptoms are typical for their condition. If the student develops new or changed symptoms, they should get tested for COVID-19.
COVID-19 testing for students with complex health or disability may be challenging. In these situations, schools will ask the parent or carer to have their child assessed by their medical practitioner. Where a medical practitioner determines that a COVID-19 test is not required, documentation must be provided to the school to confirm that the student does not have symptoms that warrant a COVID-19 test. The certificate must also indicate that the student is able to return to school.
Where possible, our students will remain within their relevant cohort group (i.e. class or stage group) throughout the day (for all learning activities) in order to limit close contacts to the relevant student cohort.
Some singing and musical activities have been reinstated but must adhere to the Department’s guidelines for singing, musical activities and creative arts consistent with NSW Health advice for group singing and musical ensemble. For all rehearsals and performances, singers or musicians must be at least 1.5m apart from all persons.
Activities involving musical instruments can proceed. Students playing non-reeded woodwind instruments such as flutes and recorders should be positioned so that they can maintain a physical distance of 1.5 metres from all persons (including other members of the musical group). They must also maintain a minimum 3 metres space between the direction of airflow from their instruments and other performers. Singing and band rehearsals and performances should take place outside or in well-ventilated indoor spaces.
In accordance with standing guidelines, our school will remain vigilant when implementing infection control, physical distancing and personal hygiene protocols to protect the health and safety of students and staff. Schools will promote the need to follow good hygiene practices such as:
- regularly washing hands
- avoiding sharing drinks or food
- coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately
- filling water bottles from bubblers rather than using the bubbler directly.
Activities still on hold include:
- School activities that involve gathering of parent and community members such as parent functions, working bees, school barbecues, parent information evenings and on-site cultural events
- Parent and carer attendance at assemblies and other school activities unless the venue can cater for the 4 square metre distancing rule.
Adhering to strict guidelines, school formals, dances, graduations and other end-of-year events can proceed in a COVID-safe way while adhering to relevant COVID-19 Safety Plans. The department continues to provide virtual celebration resources to schools and strict guidelines remain in place for whole-school events. Schools are encouraged to have online gatherings for whole-school celebrations and to live-stream these events held within the school to selected families and friends as a way of sharing their major milestone. The school’s Annual Presentation Ceremony will be held at school during the day and will be filmed and shared.
We are happy to announce that our Year 6 farewell will go ahead as planned, with attendance limited to the student cohort (Year 6 only) and supervising staff, as per current guidelines. We are delighted to announce that our farewell will be held in the Killcare Surf Life Saving Club. Not only does this venue meet the 4 square metre distancing rule and provide the required ventilation, but we believe that such a wonderful venue will add to the special celebrations, providing happy and long-lasting memories for our departing students. We extend a warm and appreciative thank you to the Killcare Surf Life Saving Club and to President, Craig Sheppard, for the generosity, community spirit and true community partnership extended in regards to offering this venue for school use.
We will continue to keep families updated regarding updated guidelines and planned school events. Thank you for understanding that our staff are doing absolutely everything we can possibly do to ensure planned school events continue with safety at the forefront and consideration of student needs at the centre. We will do everything we can to ensure that school experiences as positive for all, adhering to set guidelines and according to school context and needs.