School response to COVID-19

This webapge provides additional information regarding our school’s proactive planning and safety management. As you would imagine, this situation will continue to change and develop and it is the school's intention to keep our community as informed as possible. Please check for regular updates so that you can be assured you have the latest information.
Our actions are guided by the advice from NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education (as well as Federal Health authorities). As a school community it is important that we respond calmly with both our social and professional responsibility in mind. I ask that you continue to be supportive of our staff, our school families and wider community as we work to positively navigate current circumstances.
Currently, there are no reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our school community. At this point, on the advice of NSW Health and NSW DoE, our school will continue to be open and operational. However, as a phased social distancing strategy will be introduced within our school spaces, there will be an impact on current operations. In addition to the information provided via Skoolbag on Sunday 15 March, our school is putting a range of systematic, proactive measures in place to mitigate risk to students, staff and our wider school community. I am sharing the draft form of our risk assessment with you via our school website (and via Skoolbag) in an effort to be transparent in our efforts to take a community-focused approach in response to COVID-19 concerns. Please be assured that these are proactive measures, designed to increase student, staff and family confidence that our school is working to minimize all possible risks to students, within the guidelines provided by NSW Health and NSW DoE. This document will remain on our school website and will be revised as needed, as additional potential risks are identified and addressed. Parents will receive a Skoolbag alert informing our community when an amendment to the RA is added and parents can review these changes by visiting our school webpage.
Please read COMMUNITY NOTICE MONDAY 16 MARCH 2020 here