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Pretty Beach Public School

Pretty Beach Public School

Quality Education, Unique Environment

Telephone02 4360 1012

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a comprehensive, integrated whole school approach to student wellbeing and behaviour.

PBL is a process that supports school leadership teams to create positive learning environments that enable student learning and wellbeing.

Successful implementation of PBL is underpinned by the support and commitment of the whole school community. 

PBL is based on a three-tiered continuum of prevention and intervention:

  • Tier 1 - Universal prevention: school-wide and classroom systems for all students, staff and settings.
  • Tier 2 - Targeted interventions: small group systems for students at-risk behaviourally and academically.
  • Tier 3 - Intensive interventions: systems for students with high-risk behaviour and/or learning needs.

Every PBL school may a litte different, whilst sharing  the PBL framework. Our school is developing a continuum of support across the tiers that promotes student wellbeing within a school culture strongly focused on learning.

Through the PBL framework, student assessment and instruction are linked to inform data-based decision-making. All children and young people receive universal support and instruction. If students need more support, their instructional program becomes more intensive and individualised to target their specific learning needs.  

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