We're keeping students learning both in and out of the classroom.
Explore the department's Learning remotely resources to support both online and offline learning for all students.
Learning remotely without technology
We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. Contact the school to discuss non-digital learning from home options for your child.
Latest advice
Get up-to-date information about the department's response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
NSW Health information and advice on COVID-19 (coronavirus).
• All staff on school sites must be fully vaccinated.
• We strongly encourage all students and their families to get vaccinated. Children aged 5 to 11 can now get vaccinated. Parents are encouraged to book their child in for a vaccination at the first available opportunity.
• Once eligible, all adults are encouraged to get booster shots.
• Students and staff should take a rapid antigen test twice a week on the morning before attending school. Test kits will continue to be supplied by schools.
• Students who are household close contacts must isolate at home for 7 days.
• All primary school staff will be required to wear surgical masks indoors where possible.
(Masks may be removed to deliver specific lesson instructions and enhance student understanding if needed.)
• If your child is unwell, even with mild symptoms you must keep them home and get them tested. If they display any symptoms they should take a PCR test (nose and throat swab) or rapid antigen test (RAT).
• If symptoms continue your child should stay home and take another RAT or PCR test in 24 hours. If that test is also negative, your child may return to school.
• Schools will continue using cohort arrangements and consider staggered drop-off and pick ups times.
• Depending on the school, cohort size and timetables, cohorts may be based on classes, years or stages.
• Fresh air is the most effective form of ventilation to minimise the risk of transmission.
• All learning spaces in public schools have been checked to ensure appropriate levels of ventilation and air purifiers have been provided where needed.
• Using outdoor spaces will continue to be encouraged.
• COVID-19 will be considered in all risk assessments. Guidance will be provided to schools on applying appropriate safeguards across a range of activities.
• Parents will be made aware of the risk of exposure and will need to give their permission for participation in extra-curricular, out of school hours or off-site activities.
• All staff on school sites must be fully vaccinated.
• We strongly encourage all students and their families to get vaccinated. Children aged 5 to 11 can now get vaccinated. Parents are encouraged to book their child in for a vaccination at the first available opportunity.
• Once eligible, all adults are encouraged to get booster shots.
• Students and staff should take a rapid antigen test twice a week on the morning before attending school. Test kits will continue to be supplied by schools.
• Students who are household close contacts must isolate at home for 7 days.
• All primary school staff will be required to wear surgical masks indoors where possible.
(Masks may be removed to deliver specific lesson instructions and enhance student understanding if needed.)
• If your child is unwell, even with mild symptoms you must keep them home and get them tested. If they display any symptoms they should take a PCR test (nose and throat swab) or rapid antigen test (RAT).
• If symptoms continue your child should stay home and take another RAT or PCR test in 24 hours. If that test is also negative, your child may return to school.
• Schools will continue using cohort arrangements and consider staggered drop-off and pick ups times.
• Depending on the school, cohort size and timetables, cohorts may be based on classes, years or stages.
• Fresh air is the most effective form of ventilation to minimise the risk of transmission.
• All learning spaces in public schools have been checked to ensure appropriate levels of ventilation and air purifiers have been provided where needed.
• Using outdoor spaces will continue to be encouraged.
• COVID-19 will be considered in all risk assessments. Guidance will be provided to schools on applying appropriate safeguards across a range of activities.
• Parents will be made aware of the risk of exposure and will need to give their permission for participation in extra-curricular, out of school hours or off-site activities.
• Students can continue to attend school if they have no symptoms and has tested negative to a RAT or PCR test, even if there is a positive case in their class, year or other grouping. There are no ‘close contacts’ at school.
• Staff and students who get a positive rapid antigen test result must register it on service.nsw.gov.au or the Service NSW app as soon as possible.
• Staff and students who receive a positive rapid antigen or PCR test result must tell their school as soon as possible, and follow NSW Health advice.
• Schools will regularly communicate to parents about the presence and impact of COVID-19 in their community.
• Students who are household close contacts must isolate at home for 7 days.
• If students are required to isolate and are able to continue learning from home (LFH), lesson instructions can be sourced from the DoE’s Guided Learning Packages at https://education.nsw.gov.au/inside-the-department/leading-educational-continuity/guided-learning-packages. Additionally, students who are fit to LFH could read daily, practise mental addition, subtraction & multiplication skills, keep a journal, write a narrative or make a picture book, research a topic of interest and present an information report &/or remain active where possible. Students are encouraged to post any completed work on their class Seesaw page.
• Parents are asked to respect the rules at their child’s school to help keep the community safe.
• Schools will do everything they can to maintain continuity of face-to-face learning including the use of more casual staff.
• Schools will need to make localised staffing decisions to ensure appropriate supervision can be maintained.
• Schools will not be able to guarantee particular staff for any cohort and students may not have their regular teacher for a class.
• We will continue to monitor the situation and where face-to-face learning is not possible (excessive COVID transmission or inadequate staffing due to isolation), learning from home options will be supported for short periods. If this is required, you will be notified via Skoolbag and your children will utilise their Seesaw accounts to communicate, interact and receive further direction and instructions from their classroom teacher.